How many of you rode electric scooters to the Convention Center? We did! We enjoyed visiting Baltimore, especially having the chance to meet so many great colleagues in the Public Safety Communications industry.
Much like at NENA, we found that a popular, or maybe we should say unpopular, pain point in call centers is lack of a reliable language translation solution. Our automated translator, a new feature built into TEXTBLUE – AGENT511’s text platform, solves many communication issues with side by side translation.
Utilizing our hosted, cloud-based solution, any PSAP connected to the Text Control Center (TCC) can save development time and effort. The platform and carriers support UTF-8 characters supplying your dispatchers with an easy to use side-by-side translator without having to make a separate call when there is an emergency on the other end of the line.
We look forward to nurturing the relationships we made at APCO 2019 and will see you all in Orlando next year!