Improve campus safety & student and employee wellness

AGENT511 facilitates text, IoT, and multimedia messages from the community, helping your dispatch center tackle campus safety and students' health issues.

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Create a safe, smart campus with enhanced communications

It is no secret that mental health challenges young people, particularly students across the nation. 87% of students said COVID-19 negatively impacted their life. Now more than ever it is crucial to equip campus dispatch with new tools that improve accessibility and safety.

At AGENT511 we believe campus safety can take a leading role in tackling student wellness and building community. We are proud to offer communication tools such as text, social, video, and analytics which can be leveraged to assist in this mission.

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REACH delivers critical notifications on and off campus

Combine student information, analytics, and messaging to gently “nudge” students towards positive behaviors. Proactively message students to promote wellness and create new engagement channels to avoid isolation and self-harm.

AGENT511 REACH provides:

  • Recipient data integrated with user databases
  • Email, voice, text, and browser alerts
  • Real-time reporting dashboards and maps
  • Rules and templates are configurable to provide flexibility
  • Continuous investment in expanding communications channels such as Apple Chat, WhatsApp, and more
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TEXTBLUE expands community access during emergencies

The need to create location-aware communication channels with your community and visitors is vital to creating a safe and secure campus environment.

AGENT511 TEXTBLUE provides:

  • Foreign language and automated language translation
  • GPS phone location
  • Text back for pocket dials and to query more information
  • Streaming video situational awareness
  • Easy dispatcher notifications
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Leverage innovative platforms for real change

AGENT511 award-winning applications have run consistently for over a decade.

  • AGENT511’s text messaging notifications are read 95% of the time (6-8x more than email)
  • Our customers see 30-50% increases in customer enrollments in new programs
  • Our client BGE won the 2021 Chartwell Bronze Customer Care award for its implementation of REACH text chat
  • Over 85% of customers polled appreciated their notifications
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Combating human trafficking at San Francisco Airport

AGENT511 TEXTBLUE helps to combat human trafficking at San Francisco Airport by providing a 'silent' text channel to request help.

View SFO Case Study

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